Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 02/09/2021:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
00:21:49 dunt eve ntry
22:29:57 !votepvb
22:29:48 !votepvp
22:29:41 /menu
22:29:41 !help
22:29:30 !bot
22:28:23 neeh
21:19:24 sm_tp
21:18:23 !fp
21:18:05 !tp
21:17:20 /fov
21:15:59 /pvb
21:15:50 gg
21:15:18 /pvb
21:15:08 !votepvb
21:15:03 /fov 111
21:14:51 !votepvb
21:14:50 ye punk das u now (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
21:14:48 !votepvp
21:14:29 !fov 110
21:14:22 !fov
21:13:59 !fov 110
21:13:56 /fov
21:13:53 !fov 110
21:13:37 wasn`t even trying
21:11:19 try to hich emose next time dickhead
21:10:53 pussyslayer22
21:10:53 I`m trying to understand you. And you what блять?
21:10:50 ull pretend meh ignoere dthat
21:10:49 maybe
21:10:48 uhm
21:10:48 s
21:10:47 ky
21:10:45 gay
21:10:42 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
16:27:55 че не жмешь то ееебана рот
16:27:43 yes
16:27:38 Does this make sence?
16:27:29 fucking niggers
16:27:22 fukion lagd
16:22:24 knoo u r dead
16:19:38 hiw dafuk
16:17:00 u sucxm8z
16:16:01 meh
16:12:47 guys plaeh ihn tp kts more betta than dfp
16:10:41 shii that asnt even nice bixchazs muthfuka
16:06:55 dam dat wz bad, niggu
08:09:20 xahuhuxaa ma can teven
08:06:06 та не ты
08:06:02 не ну
07:56:20 dats a fail jerk
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