Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 4/05/2021:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
23:58:19 omf gmeh hfukking ping jum-pin yallta time
23:57:45 damn nigga dickhead fuec
23:55:20 ye su nigguh dawg
23:54:32 hsie yo are so dam fdawg bitch
22:19:41 freak ybutt pres mouse 2 to reflect prcket
18:54:51 try to hiche mouse net tim eniggu
18:53:34 paeh more concetration nigger
18:51:41 hah
18:39:05 mh
18:33:27 get rekt
18:31:54 POG
18:00:45 (Team) Bot on)
17:58:32 /tp
17:58:15 )
17:58:11 XD
17:33:54 да
17:33:50 Всё
17:29:54 не повезло, не повезло
17:27:48 /tp
17:21:01 /fov 100
17:21:00 /fov 20
17:15:52 oof
17:07:07 hu znext ̿ ̿`̿`̵͇̿̿з=(⌐■ʖ■)=ε/̵͇̿̿/`̿̿ ̿ ̿
17:04:55 jajajz
17:04:15 tryhsarder bichasss, meh believe in u (i dont)
16:42:52 rank
16:42:43 rank
16:42:31 !rtv
16:41:40 !rtv
16:40:38 vpvb
16:39:07 suki suki, bi8tch
16:16:43 vpvb
16:16:39 i bet r gon urq noe
16:16:38 !command
16:16:03 !command
16:14:43 2ex75me
16:14:34 !fov 115
16:14:29 !fov
15:48:45 /fp
15:48:31 /hop
15:47:51 /tp
15:47:23 en dumbass can salk fool
15:47:19 /fp
15:47:01 dzmn
15:46:08 /tp
15:43:25 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:42:40 /fp
15:42:29 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:42:25 cheats
15:42:23 dude
15:41:59 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:41:34 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:41:29 HUH mi fuc kemed
15:41:13 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:41:09 wtf is this orbiting lol
15:40:59 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:47 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:44 IDK LMAO
15:40:41 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:37 IDK LMAO
15:40:34 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:30 nopent yesfirmative
15:40:28 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:27 v
15:40:23 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:21 ajajajaa
15:40:19 na nna aana man
15:40:18 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:16 whatever
15:40:16 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:13 yes
15:40:10 who, me?
15:40:07 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:40:06 ok nice
15:40:02 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:39:58 lol
15:39:55 axaxax
15:39:52 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:39:51 bad bot
15:39:44 lol
15:39:31 bichas
15:39:28 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam lmao
15:39:15 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : oorbitah and m2 spam
15:39:14 noob
15:39:09 cheats
15:38:53 lol
15:38:50 id molest u
15:38:39 cheak
15:38:17 bad botss
15:38:09 okaay
15:38:09 bot`s are bad
15:38:06 lol
15:38:03 shit lags o9mg
15:37:57 dope
15:37:54 loool
15:37:42 dont cry
15:37:32 LOL
15:37:21 i dont give a fuck
15:37:18 you are bad
15:37:15 lol
15:37:11 oorbitah and m2 spammer lmao
15:36:27 /votepvb
15:36:20 /revote
15:36:15 /votepvb
15:36:10 zjebany skrol.sam skoczyo
15:35:21 /rockets
15:34:49 XD
15:34:19 !votepvb <-----
15:34:13 /votepvb
15:33:37 who?
15:33:22 shut the fuck up!
15:33:15 nein
15:33:08 go back
15:32:45 XD
15:32:05 i can play but im not in mood
15:31:58 fuck off
15:31:57 no
15:31:55 .-.
15:31:54 go blu
15:31:53 aha.
15:31:23 go blu
15:31:07 /votepvb
15:31:02 /shop
15:31:02 /menu
15:31:02 /help
15:30:59 /robot
15:30:51 /store
15:30:48 /robot
15:30:42 man bot is trash
15:30:29 /tp
15:30:17 PEWPEW
15:29:42 /fp
15:29:39 /tp
15:28:57 ( ̿°̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿)
15:28:56 im bisexual and u have problem ?
15:28:48 xx-bot is homo
15:28:48 bad boi
15:28:37 bad bot
15:28:35 ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
15:28:31 oh sh inigga sheieaiih
15:28:24 ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。)
15:28:16 f u c k .
15:28:14 fuck.
15:28:12 WHY BOT
15:27:54 /fp
15:27:53 KellytheSkeleton : naimad zajebac ci ip jak 8shit mlg`owi?
15:27:42 /votepvb
15:27:36 ( ̿°̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿)
15:27:12 go red
15:27:06 XDDD
15:26:47 !votepvb
15:26:44 !votepvb
15:26:37 /menu
15:26:37 !help
15:26:36 !cheats
15:26:36 !bot
15:26:35 fuck off
15:26:33 !bots
15:26:33 ( ͡° ͜ʖ
15:26:30 . . . nie pojebalo?
15:26:25 )
15:26:13 /tp
15:25:53 !votepvb
15:25:49 /menu
15:25:49 !help
15:25:44 co kurwa DX
15:25:42 4 boty?
15:25:19 !cheats
15:25:18 a . h.a.
15:24:55 ( ̿°̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿)
15:24:54 want 1 v 2 no bots?
15:24:40 /fov 105
15:24:31 ( ̿°̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿)
15:24:30 nutter booster butter?
15:23:43 ha
15:23:43 !fov 100
15:23:19 ( ̿°̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ʖ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿)
15:23:18 i mi go pokazalo
15:23:15 bo wyguglowalem kelly skeleton chyba
15:23:13 rip
15:23:10 jakos tak
15:23:09 on jest tez kelly skeleton
15:23:03 u sux mr ass
15:23:02 postac z prof
15:22:48 !fov 130
15:22:43 !fov 160
15:22:34 .-.
15:22:33 a ja mam skeleton
15:22:31 a skeleton bo drugi przyjaciel ma `xxx/skeleton/skelet`
15:22:19 ale ile czasu gralismy.dzien w dzien od rana do nocy beka ciagła byla. meh.
15:22:09 konto na prywatne.
15:22:05 tylko 2-3 zostawils
15:22:02 usunal wszystkich znaj
15:21:59 i chyba ktos mu konto zajebal
15:21:54 mial ciezko mowic ` sylwek` wiec obydwoje wybralismy ze bede kelly
15:21:45 jak taki braciak starszy.
15:21:42 nobo mialem kolege takigo jakby patu tylko angielski?? taki wiesz szybka przyjazn mily - nie byl chyba homo ale taki troskliwy
15:21:05 -,-
15:21:04 dluga historia
15:20:54 te kelly mam z innej przyczyny
15:20:25 nie.
15:20:21 nie
15:20:17 róznie
15:20:16 em
15:20:11 ulubiony..kto?
15:20:07 nigga u just got kild
15:20:04 co? .-.
15:19:58 co?
15:19:45 haj.
11:47:36 /tp
11:46:36 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:45:48 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:44:08 what!
11:44:07 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:40:37 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:38:03 im not a toxic
11:38:00 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:37:58 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:37:46 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:37:26 yes you are
11:37:22 im not a toxic
11:37:13 dont be a toxic pls
11:37:03 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:36:43 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:36:25 nice taunting im dominate you
11:36:00 im have 90
11:35:55 yes
11:35:53 i have 120 ping i cant do anything :>
11:35:51 20fps
11:35:43 1 vs 1
11:35:43 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:35:22 and im win
11:35:19 2 vs 1
11:35:10 you deserve it
11:34:57 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:34:38 (Team) idk
11:34:34 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:34:33 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:34:29 (Team) sometime
11:34:23 (Team) i cant airblast
11:34:09 (Team) what
11:34:05 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:34:03 (Team) i cant
11:33:57 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:33:55 (Team) dude wtf i can airblast
11:33:29 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:33:27 poćwicz do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:33:24 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:33:23 ez
11:33:00 no 80
11:32:52 and you have 60 ping
11:32:43 20 fps better
11:32:30 90 ping gaming and 20fps
11:32:21 yes
11:32:15 120 ping gaming
11:31:59 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:31:15 noobie do lobby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
11:21:18 uh
11:18:26 >:(
11:17:03 tf
11:17:00 what
11:16:58 what
11:16:57 ???
11:15:49 wtf
11:14:50 kek
11:13:57 lol
11:13:52 120 ping 0_0
11:13:46 lol
11:10:31 120 ping xD
11:10:24 what
11:09:33 (Team) !fp
11:08:38 i killed you :>
11:08:28 what
11:08:16 (Team) !tp
11:07:48 tf
11:07:00 what
11:04:40 /fov 110
11:04:36 /tp
11:03:43 vpvb
11:03:28 /menu
11:03:28 !help
11:02:42 gg bitch
07:13:42 00)))
03:43:31 botlvl44
03:42:07 u used to be better punk ass bitch
03:41:22 sheii SHIIII knoo wut u rbad niga
03:28:13 fail as usual
03:27:39 fite meh:(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
03:27:08 dafuk ur doin` yes u nigguh
03:21:24 botlvlrnd
03:16:57 botlvl44
03:15:38 fuklkingwd bitc h( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡ 0)
03:13:26 mwea n ropsukka thi suis yal lyaur fault
03:03:32 botlvlrnd
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