Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 18/07/2024:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
02:02:08 /discord
02:01:35 Вам пипец мне кажится
02:01:29 Да это было жоска
02:01:19 /rtv
01:58:21 у меня блять австралий заработает нет?
01:21:31 why 5his shit server i slagginged so much lmao
01:18:24 do y osuck diks?
01:17:13 :(
01:17:10 ˙͜>˙
01:14:05 #getrektmateyapieceofshitimlgquic skopeduandurmamainthefake
01:04:54 gitguc
00:59:54 ma sorrt, alright乁( ⁰͡ Ĺ̯ ⁰͡ ) ㄏ
00:54:39 suki suci, m8
00:50:43 nigga u gay
00:47:17 shi auto airblast
00:44:24 ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
00:39:31 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:38:36 looo k ucant crush ma nigga
00:35:39 try 2hi tde3 mouse nexg time
00:33:48 guysw play i ntp i5ts mor bettere tha nfp
00:25:48 well played kid
00:24:53 ima horehook yi anhoos mu nigga
00:23:38 have fun
00:23:38 cya
00:23:33 well cya man
00:23:22 hmmm
00:23:17 blw is the best
00:23:09 this server is even trolling me
00:23:02 uhhh
00:22:52 blw much better
00:22:42 lol
00:22:41 Ahh this server is shit
00:22:28 i`m going lmao I wanted to see what this server was
00:22:19 nah
00:22:17 uh
00:22:11 but since u are here i will stay a little bit longer
00:21:59 U joined the second i was gonna leave
00:21:50 WHat
00:21:47 Qubixxer what you doing on a begginer map
00:21:44 Savage u bitch
00:21:10 teehee
00:21:02 Savage u fucking bitch
00:20:56 nah
00:20:52 cya
00:20:51 but it was fun tho
00:20:46 ahh man i gtg
00:19:08 !rank
00:16:41 lol
00:07:52 his internet said goodbye i think
00:06:59 crit by server
00:06:52 did not let bro get up wtf
00:06:46 dayum
00:06:45 damn
00:06:45 wth
00:06:06 that was fun
00:05:42 bro gave me that combo wtf
00:05:03 its fun with cqc :)
00:04:56 custom particles make this look a lot cooler
00:04:52 yeah yeah cqc
00:04:37 ouch
00:03:56 mb
00:03:46 these
00:03:42 this orbits sucks
00:03:35 that is so fucking true
00:03:34 yo
00:03:09 theese orbits are so goofy
00:02:33 !fov 130
00:02:24 and my braincells feed on radiation
00:02:24 !fov 150
00:02:14 i have extra chromosome
00:02:10 im retardosso
00:02:07 bro im
00:01:25 true
00:01:20 130+ ping sure ain`t helping
00:00:54 or actually i dont need to check my ping is good so yeah eu proboably
00:00:18 oh god
23:59:52 i can check tho
23:59:40 ;-;
23:59:40 me too lol
23:59:35 i clicked
23:59:34 it said dodgeball
23:59:30 no idea
23:59:27 is this server in the EU?
23:59:25 losy orpsukka ant hit shit
23:59:06 but why is this bot so bad i wonder
23:58:42 true true
23:58:35 theese rockets are so goofy
23:58:32 *yippee
23:58:27 was about to say that
23:58:27 yippie
23:58:23 fr
23:58:19 well ur doing good sans if it is actaully ur first time
23:57:48 it`s my first time doing dogdeball
23:57:16 lol
23:57:10 ight
23:57:04 i aint no drake fan
23:57:01 nope i am 19
23:56:54 ur not underage now are you?
23:56:43 ahh then yeah ofc
23:56:37 20
23:56:31 well that depends on how old u are lol
23:56:12 ulu mi shiied
23:56:09 am i this sexy?
23:56:05 what i think is u stalking me
23:55:46 yeah ive played a lot today
23:55:39 aight ty
23:55:30 after 90 speed
23:55:26 orbits here dont work btw
23:55:20 at least once
23:55:17 bro ive seen u in every dodgeball server today
23:54:57 lol
23:54:56 yeah its me hey
23:54:33 haha ikma top killaz u caznt stap meuin
23:54:33 aint no way man
23:54:27 qubii?
23:44:13 ˙͜>˙
23:43:04 i`ve g otu ras
23:39:01 haha ima too pkillaz u cant stap meh
23:32:36 tryharder homie
23:31:28 айсберг поставьте
23:31:21 фу блять говноед
23:31:14 да блэт
22:11:39 сюда меня друзья завели, но мне нужно больше реакции
22:11:33 реакция у меня говно
21:33:04 vpvb
21:33:00 /menu
21:33:00 !help
21:32:58 help
21:32:22 point blank ab00zerr
21:30:04 nigga ur bad
21:29:11 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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