Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 5/04/2024:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
02:27:37 hacks im reporting u to mah mommy she works in valve im gonna ge tu stdeam banned
02:26:54 ojfg ma fuckin pin jumpinmg all de time
02:26:31 ya bitch me well fucc ya bitchhh
02:24:57 just chilling
02:24:12 i though tit will gooth asite
02:22:00 holy fuck mein hwhoole game klagging bc of this kids
02:18:16 nigga u just got outt ahereed
01:40:08 yayaya
01:40:00 laggin` as fuck
01:39:32 aint even close
01:37:10 aye ucnt
21:23:48 вы свою ракету 2 раза отталкиваете
21:23:41 2 РАКЕТЫ!???
21:23:28 как блять
21:23:23 /pov130
21:23:17 /pov 130
21:23:13 сука
21:23:08 /fov 1000
21:23:07 ты че охуел
21:23:04 fov 100
21:22:59 /fov
21:17:38 !ping
21:16:37 /rank
21:07:02 нахуй иди
21:05:26 Очень долго?
21:02:33 no, u din`t hit it nigga
21:02:17 aaaw boieh
21:02:04 k now im mqd
21:01:46 !rtd
20:58:43 AK
20:58:25 клонк блять
20:55:25 ты тут?
20:03:53 fuc u
20:03:45 slapslapsalp fukker
20:03:38 Блять хуесос
20:03:29 real human
20:03:25 real
20:03:21 u are rea
20:03:14 10/10 u are not a bot
20:02:41 xD 10/10 joke
20:02:39 wtf
20:02:36 bot u noob
20:02:27 u piece of shit
20:02:22 bot
20:02:09 fuc u and u mum
20:01:21 fuck u
20:01:14 ey thahe yes u niggih gichoas outtam a vew
20:01:12 а откуда так много вещей ?
20:01:04 что не нравится ?
20:00:58 u are not a bot
20:00:52 go to hell and u mum
20:00:30 ay ay
20:00:07 u can t copied me?
19:59:53 ye udint expect dat1 pric,k
19:59:10 fuc u
19:59:07 russian
19:59:00 SHEIEI usuk
19:58:22 yaur moothr waz adumb whore wit hu fut azs, did yo cno that
19:58:20 fuc u bot
19:57:39 fuc u
19:56:55 fuck off u fucka
19:56:52 TRIGGERED
19:56:49 noob bot
19:55:23 fuc u bot
19:55:15 )
19:53:50 wasn`t eve ntryn
19:53:01 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
19:52:47 wh7uchuwant bimbo
19:52:19 ссука
19:52:12 Не спрашивай
19:52:03 fuc u
19:51:57 Y upyshin` me holva hda edge hashe
19:48:48 whuchudoin
19:45:08 redicooyulo bitch
19:43:40 почему блять фпс 15
19:43:31 когда он кого то уебал пишет NA NAHUY
19:43:26 дароу пендос
19:43:16 go to hell boot
19:37:41 ima horehook yo znhoo skid
19:28:02 meet in
19:27:45 i m found
19:26:49 i will find in tsarvar another mode
19:26:11 I argee freddy
19:26:01 NO
19:25:58 is funny now :))
19:25:51 STOP BFUNNY
19:25:07 fuc u
19:24:03 u cheat
19:22:57 ?
19:22:54 why
19:22:52 (Team) is it
19:22:43 IT NOT FUNNY
19:20:48 /menu
19:20:48 (Team) !help
19:20:39 !store
19:20:32 !store
19:16:45 fuc u with pyro
19:16:39 NOT FUNNY
19:16:36 IT SUCK
19:15:54 2 1/5 MINUTES
19:13:24 HOW DID U DO IT?
19:13:11 what
19:13:09 FREDDY
19:11:35 freddy
19:09:13 maps
19:08:43 !hop
19:08:20 !servers
19:07:25 /tp
19:06:44 go fuck a niggu prick
19:06:41 BOT IS SUCK
19:06:06 guy splay in t pits mor3 betta than fp
19:05:49 write in concole <>
19:05:12 BOT SUCK
19:04:58 maeh god resdt ur soulo m93
19:04:36 waznt ready fo disz?
19:04:08 xD
19:04:00 the bot speak
19:03:57 00)))
19:03:33 brake
19:03:32 may god rest ur soul yes u nigguh
19:03:25 "bind "[q]" "say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
19:02:49 YOU LIE
19:02:45 Yoou ga yniga You a snitch nigga
19:02:41 lemme see..
19:02:40 FUCK OFF BOT
19:02:31 Pleaze stoo ppushin`g ma out. You`re neitha hclever bnor funny
19:02:28 yuh (◕ ◡ ◕)
18:59:58 yiz
18:59:19 #getrektmateapieceofshitimlgquickscopeduanduemamainzeface
18:58:43 (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)de_storyedd
18:55:29 fu,kin ashole ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
18:52:10 E fo effot
18:46:53 get out o fmu wa y boieh
18:37:38 may god rest u rsooul m93
18:18:50 я к вам педики
18:18:45 давай
18:18:36 /tp
18:17:50 rtv
18:17:47 nominate
18:17:43 nominate
18:16:41 hiii
18:16:34 vpvb
18:14:36 yau can do better than that
18:13:54 нахуй идите с боксом
18:13:40 cya
18:13:39 снф
18:13:35 see ya
18:13:32 sry gtg man
18:11:02 /tp
18:10:18 just click faster
18:10:03 you cant just airblast faster with practice right?
18:09:04 just practice
18:08:57 bro how do you airblast so fast
17:56:38 XDDDDDD
17:55:35 bicker
17:55:04 bro what witchcraft is this
17:55:00 huh
17:54:59 xdddd
17:54:12 stupid ni#####
17:53:04 evej*
17:53:03 zamn
17:53:01 pop off ecej
17:52:08 eeew
17:49:33 /tp
17:47:41 proffesor
17:47:39 i am so nutty
17:21:52 i bet ur gonna rq now bitch
17:19:13 !rtd
17:14:28 ya niga
17:13:58 sheieaiih niggu go stop ythat shit yarself
17:09:38 why am me even speaking wit meself
17:09:07 ow gusta
17:08:59 ey man u aint none bu ta nitga
10:39:26 тварь
10:39:20 убил меня
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