Current Players - TF2 Rankings
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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
20:28:37 "bind "[q]" "sae3h ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
20:26:04 cya
20:25:21 xD
20:24:32 anan ellerimsde
sa :
veru nice preofsnaol gamer
20:22:05 fuck
20:21:52 im from turkey
20:21:49 k :]
20:21:45 no
20:21:41 wait desp ar you swedes?
20:21:14 you came back
20:21:11 annen ellerimde
20:21:08 oof i got fuckt by the rocket
20:20:34 sa fuck you please get good at this game
20:19:53 fuck the shitty rocket spawning
sa :
20:19:02 fuck me daddy
20:18:22 wow i dident know that wuld happen
sa :
ebic anime fight
20:16:48 sa please go fuck yourself your an pain in my ass
20:16:19 or was it sa
20:16:12 desp fuck you
20:15:44 ik
20:15:41 i would if i could
20:15:34 please go fuck yourself
20:15:31 raped
20:15:06 well good luck me :(
20:14:53 bye
sa :
im still on 20
20:14:49 cya
20:14:48 gtg
20:14:44 ok
20:14:19 guys go tp
20:13:37 WOW
20:13:29 wait
20:13:27 its like tp
20:13:24 fov 20 is op
20:13:00 welp faq
20:12:45 coming
20:12:43 you cant even see it
20:12:39 its like scoping
20:12:37 wow it is like bullshit
sa :
wats hapening
20:12:06 wait wth
sa :
go bacc
sa :
o shit
20:11:59 woo
20:11:54 lets go all fov 20
20:11:43 xd
20:11:20 well it was really a mistake
sa :
u bicc
20:11:16 bad
20:11:15 you
20:11:14 my fps is below 30
20:11:14 me
20:11:13 who?
20:11:09 you tried to kill me
20:11:07 woops
20:11:05 i mean sen
20:11:02 and hello son
20:10:55 oof
20:10:23 well hello bad
20:10:17 lmao
20:10:13 xd
20:10:12 almost
20:10:01 lel
20:09:59 wow i have so much Bad Karma
20:09:30 :]
20:09:27 traitor
20:09:24 you
20:09:19 why is everyone hate me
20:09:17 wassup
20:08:41 press m2
20:08:39 can you reflect?
sa :
dats a profseanolae team frotes 3 gaemr
20:08:01 :]
20:07:59 yep
20:07:56 thats what you get
20:07:42 its in my name
20:07:38 see
20:07:34 idk becus im bad?´
20:07:28 bad
20:07:27 why u with them
20:07:20 lel
20:07:18 gg so ez
20:07:16 stap
sa :
20:06:41 wut
20:06:21 ow my ass
20:05:13 rude
20:04:40 bye
20:04:36 cya
20:04:34 lag
20:04:07 faq
20:04:03 akt
20:03:45 nope
20:03:40 help blu tim is losik
20:03:28 as always
20:03:26 lagg
20:02:56 im ded men
20:02:55 trap
20:02:51 xd
20:02:46 im woman man
20:02:44 dont worry im no men
20:02:33 if we ar all men then its fucking gay
20:02:25 im no men
20:02:25 1337 ping
20:02:19 lagggggggggggg
20:02:18 ar we all men?
20:02:18 -
20:02:09 wth
20:02:08 kam we fuck like men
20:02:01 laggg
20:01:47 blu tot
20:01:20 i cant see it becus im useing Antshut
20:01:18 awlays same ping
20:01:17 ok
20:01:13 yea
20:01:11 now its low
20:01:10 1337 ping?
20:01:05 look at my ping its so hig
20:01:00 laggggg
20:00:38 1337 ping
20:00:37 it doesnt count
20:00:30 i saw he got 999 ping
20:00:28 yea
20:00:25 lag
20:00:08 thoise lags here
20:00:04 ikr
20:00:00 yea
19:59:57 laggg
19:59:47 he alggg
19:59:42 laaaaaaaaaaaaaging
19:59:42 i think hes a bot
19:59:39 hes cheating
19:59:36 hes cheating
19:58:58 lag
19:58:56 ilaggggggg
19:58:53 im laggging
19:58:48 lagggg
19:58:34 okayyy
19:58:16 Fist me big daddy
19:57:58 xd
19:57:45 f
19:57:37 uuf
19:57:33 xd
19:57:27 again
19:57:08 oof i got slapt my a girl
19:56:43 k
19:56:40 yes
19:56:40 ok
19:56:39 idk
19:56:36 did big gay leave?
19:56:20 NANI
19:55:56 wait
19:55:55 what
19:55:38 nice
19:55:35 bec im lucky
19:55:32 ok Fuk it
19:55:29 you got a domination
19:55:24 says who
19:55:16 yes
19:55:05 are u sure?
19:55:04 bec we noob
19:55:01 two*
19:55:01 here is easier
19:54:59 to weebs on red
19:54:54 bc sv1 too easy
19:54:51 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
19:54:50 why yoiu here
19:54:47 nooo gayture
19:54:46 faq
19:54:36 what
19:53:18 oof my ass
19:53:03 ded
19:52:41 your record?
19:52:37 why wow?
19:52:33 and wow
19:52:31 gg
19:52:29 fucking rocket
19:51:44 gg
19:51:16 but idk if i will have time
19:51:15 hi bad
19:51:09 xd
19:50:58 maybe
19:50:50 are you doing the halloween contracts?
19:49:17 im nooba
19:49:12 nah
19:49:10 xd
19:49:07 i suck so much
19:47:53 ffs
19:46:35 ffffs
19:45:50 duel is like buddha
19:45:40 xd
19:44:31 dont work
19:44:26 kk
19:44:24 whatever
19:44:19 buddha?
19:44:04 vpvb
19:20:40 Удачи тебе
19:20:30 cya
19:20:27 ;c
19:20:26 пока
19:20:23 я так не могу играть
19:20:15 не
19:19:13 каво?
19:19:09 людей?
19:19:04 спроси
19:19:02 хз
19:18:59 да и людей здесь больше
19:18:57 и где он?
19:18:39 думал, терра со мной подойдет, тк у него пингует на первом
19:18:32 так как что?
19:17:58 куплю норм инет
19:17:56 так как
19:17:53 пришел
19:17:52 когда нибудь
19:17:41 ..............
19:17:01 овер ,а то сюда пришел?
19:16:57 черт
19:16:54 почему я ему не нравлючь??
19:16:19 то же самое
19:16:17 да в пизду с овером играть
19:16:12 ну конечно
19:16:01 sry8
19:15:59 ыкн
19:15:38 y so
19:15:37 эти фризы
19:15:29 да..
19:15:17 теперь выйди
19:15:14 угу
19:15:04 ne vishlo
19:13:22 пингг
19:13:12 человек стил
19:12:53 эта сука и сюда пришла
19:12:53 что они за нами ходят
19:12:46 ...
19:11:31 не успел
19:08:48 оо
18:32:59 XYuu
18:32:57 ic u7 fucka
18:32:57 oh really
18:32:56 SHIEE whatta fuck bitch
18:32:56 u poshe lnahuia
18:32:55 y oforigfve mi, but ur a boy
18:32:54 vpvb
18:32:48 yau thre ya rleh in tliek dis
18:32:19 rta
18:32:18 u wan moanh?
18:32:18 !ba nEasPlayah Union
18:32:16 ima pu tu in da g4oooun dashole
18:32:14 stay away
18:32:12 !4rtd
18:32:07 moove
18:32:04 u never lear ndonchu
18:29:24 rank
18:28:49 yes
18:28:41 vpbv
18:14:49 !bot
18:12:31 !pvp
18:12:27 vpvb
18:11:59 punc u gaeh af
18:11:56 autidstick 5tactics in her
18:11:51 atasshol
18:11:50 !voteb anRuiscanGangsta
18:11:47 redicoulolus mofoo
18:11:46 8ima skoild ya ubi mbo
18:11:45 ye su nigfgu hfuycxk ya urtea
18:11:44 redi8coulou sounk
18:11:41 stay away kid
18:11:40 sooqu no plz no
18:11:40 autistick tactics in her
18:11:39 shi meh wish u stiop doing da tshit
18:11:39 !rd
18:11:39 notr neise mu nigga
18:11:39 damn
18:11:38 fuk off
18:11:38 ey sta yaway
18:11:37 yo dickhead outta oft way
18:11:35 punk ass bithc muthfuka ur ruining mi concetration
18:11:34 !voteban EasyPlayer Union
18:11:34 thug outta of the way
18:11:33 hey thah egit outta mafake
18:11:32 eeh deer step bakk bichassds muthfucxa
18:11:29 ma ny ugay af
18:11:29 damn U dude
18:11:27 u wont handle dis bitcdh
18:11:27 damn u man
18:11:21 das ma spot niggu
18:11:21 aw g ofuck usel;f
18:11:21 ic u homie
18:11:21 aay wut
18:10:40 1
18:09:20 funny daswg trynane
18:09:20 gimm ea break cid
18:08:51 dude fuck ur tea
18:08:37 gikt olutta m uface
18:08:36 you whom ur goina toching y eboieh
18:08:07 move, damn dikkhead
18:08:05 git off
18:07:54 !vooteban
18:07:53 get lost
18:07:31 yo t haefuk oooooooooofff
18:07:30 stop making me spam de vchat vitch, u ,know jm ewont sgop it
18:07:29 daxswged ott aif du wasy
18:07:28 yoo ya rly 9t liek dis
18:07:19 ya thr ewont u got enu fbitkh
18:06:30 2
18:06:28 1
18:06:21 step asside
18:06:20 why a mmeh even speaiking wit hnehself
18:06:20 move ot
18:06:19 ey dont block me nigger
18:06:19 u wont handl wdois dude
18:06:18 BITCH
18:06:14 poshel nahuia
18:06:11 !voteban
18:06:11 !rtgd
18:06:10 yo sy easside
18:06:06 das sum
18:06:06 w hyam me even speacin with meself
18:06:05 step back dawg
18:06:02 help
18:06:02 meh autoaim i sconfused
18:05:54 whgom ur goinu tookhing ye ashole
18:05:52 ge tlost
18:05:50 munigga fucc y6aur tea
18:05:49 soop sdo indast shi tpunk assxs buth cmuthfuka
18:04:33 SHEIEI hs iesheiihsieeeeshieih
18:03:50 suki suki, m8
18:01:51 why am ma even speaking with maself
18:01:37 u fukce nfool
18:01:37 knoookk down mofo
18:01:32 nein isant glon be genrle wityh u yes u nigguh
18:01:32 was wrong with u fool
18:01:32 ki mukil lunoow
18:01:09 !TP
18:00:24 homie u just got gtfoed
17:51:13 #pounddebotandprod
17:51:11 im aslap yau punk
17:51:05 knoow im mad
17:51:00 oi id still prefah ut ostae3h away tho
17:51:00 imja fuck of fye dickhead
17:51:00 ey this is gettin gawkward
17:50:52 dont block me jahk
17:50:52 outta mein fuken spooot fool
17:50:50 shi no
17:48:13 aw go fukk yaself
17:48:12 ya rly aint lie kdis
17:48:12 oh shi
17:48:12 go odorp thi shomi edown
17:48:10 ey yo fight pproopahly thug
17:48:06 dafuk ur tryna do thug
17:48:01 hiold up
17:47:57 dafuk u want
17:46:43 der
17:44:01 p zn oim 2shyy to walk away
17:44:01 e ychi llot jahk
17:43:59 z efu cku rrynu proiovre hrere chump
17:41:49 ay ypunk asss bithc muthfuka u gaeh af
17:41:47 ya stop dooin da tshit fu kzah
17:41:45 dont blocc meh bud
17:38:50 any dumbasss ca nwal kniggu
17:38:46 funny ma nigga trynabe
17:35:02 gooddaem
17:34:06 e ywhuchudooiuh
17:34:03 edeh gimme sum space mofran
17:34:02 the fucc
17:33:47 ah sjhi dut hurtas
17:32:48 hp can yau orbit
17:32:42 whuchuwant m razs
17:32:41 oi u cant crush mein yes u nigguh
17:32:08 u muthfuka
17:31:17 )0)
17:28:12 u ian tge tm eda tez next tie mbieacxh
... :
17:24:43 i dont give a fuck
... :
17:24:33 u busted as
17:22:33 BITCH
17:22:33 stop thsat shit yarself ugly nigger
17:22:30 yo outta meh fuken spot busta
17:20:59 yau can do better than thqt
17:18:29 atazhol
17:18:27 Ya pushin me oovah da edeg here
17:18:23 u fukken bitch
17:18:23 yoo u rleh wana get killd?
17:18:22 dazmn U dawg
17:01:59 yo can do better than that mofo
17:00:31 ay etwat
17:00:29 ey fight propaly punk as sbirch
17:00:25 u fukken niggu
16:59:46 alriet time too bringed out the 3rd most powaful mode
16:59:15 i go5t ya punk ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
16:55:46 lousy busta
16:46:21 dats a fail punk ass bithc muthfuka
16:45:48 ste paside
16:45:32 fuka
16:44:56 анальный червь ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
16:42:47 gekhu punc as sot buddy
16:42:37 ey gechu opun cass out dude
16:41:56 ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
16:41:56 анальный червь ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
16:41:27 pz no im 2shy to walk aeay
16:40:54 shit fo fuck szaKE!!
16:40:52 ain u doo it on purpose
16:40:36 ye bichazs
16:37:37 whoop
16:36:48 all ban ... his a fucker.
16:36:47 ye eu liedk meh blu glisnin asss stin kyfool
16:33:28 hsie ye huew00wb
16:32:55 shiee mei ncant even
16:31:50 yo outta meh fuken spot busta
16:31:40 nice melon
... :
16:31:23 step back dickhead
16:31:22 move, dam nniggu
16:31:21 redik,o9ulou speik
... :
16:30:41 ayy u do knuw ill rec u anyway dunkhu
16:05:36 try to hit d emouse nex tt8ime
15:40:01 /botlvl4
15:26:54 mad
15:26:30 ubusted ass
15:24:20 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:24:17 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:24:13 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:23:51 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:23:47 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:23:35 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:23:19 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:23:18 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:22:58 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:22:57 мне приблизили тебя и показали твой член
15:22:00 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:21:59 stav` 25
15:21:58 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:21:57 sukkk
15:21:48 Shitty bodyshoot (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
15:21:47 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:21:46 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:21:10 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:21:08 EBAL!
15:20:12 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:20:10 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:20:07 go 2 invalida budet
15:19:57 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:19:56 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:19:31 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:19:10 USHEL!!!!
15:19:05 UHODI!
15:19:04 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:19:03 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:19:03 EBAL!
15:19:03 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:18:43 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:18:19 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:17:48 random, sosi(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:17:44 °)͜ʖ(͠°
15:17:43 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:17:34 gays
15:17:29 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:17:18 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:17:07 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:17:07 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:17:05 namana
15:16:57 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:16:29 Если вставил, то лучше проводную(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:15:56 EBAL!
15:15:52 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:15:51 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:15:51 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:15:46 ya tebya EBAL
15:15:41 eto pizdec, chuvak
15:15:29 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:14:58 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:14:48 нечесстно
15:14:44 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:14:43 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:14:42 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:14:30 ebal!
15:14:28 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:14:28 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:14:05 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:14:04 EBAL!
15:14:02 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:13:43 Если вставил, вставляй глубже (c) Senpai [3
15:13:42 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:13:38 Esli vstavil, to provodnuyu luchshe
15:13:11 °)͜ʖ(͠°
15:13:09 провод.. ya tebya... EBAL!
15:13:07 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:12:51 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:12:51 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:12:50 провод
15:12:49 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:12:41 не, я серьезно
15:12:37 честно(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:12:36 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:12:35 c;
15:12:34 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:12:32 мышка лагет
15:12:31 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:12:26 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:12:04 EBAL!
15:11:48 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:11:48 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:11:46 EBAL
15:11:44 tebya...
15:11:42 ya...
15:11:40 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:10:57 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:10:55 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:10:54 ya tebya EBAL
15:10:41 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:10:41 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:10:32 suchiy fov 30(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:10:22 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:10:22 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:10:15 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:10:14 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:10:14 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:10:13 Я так и знал , что ты по мальчикам. (с) Хаку
15:10:08 ur mom gay
15:10:00 u gay
15:09:55 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:09:54 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:09:42 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:09:29 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:09:28 blya... *ded*
15:09:21 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:09:20 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:09:03 fohokfoh
15:08:58 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:08:56 dasdsadfsrgo34opgndsfoagd
15:08:52 dojgsfkgslx0gye7utujsg89g
15:08:44 °)͜ʖ(͠°
15:08:42 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:08:39 меня ракетой оттолкнуло к земле, я умер от падения(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:08:25 lol
15:08:12 tupo gay
15:08:01 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:08:00 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:07:54 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:07:54 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:07:53 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:07:53 go 30
15:07:51 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:07:49 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:07:11 Schweinekapitalisten
15:07:05 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:07:04 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:07:03 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:06:59 nu i kak s fov 20?
15:06:47 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:06:47 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:06:45 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:06:12 20 max
15:05:35 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:05:34 авава
15:05:30 фов 20 - сущий пиздец
15:05:22 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:05:22 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:05:04 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:04:57 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:04:56 юзай фов 20, ссыкло
15:04:56 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:04:49 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
15:04:48 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:04:24 поиграй с фов 20
15:03:58 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:03:40 pizdec
15:03:39 fov 20
15:03:34 aaaa
15:03:18 tebe pizda
15:03:16 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:03:11 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:03:09 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
15:03:08 Schweinekapitalisten
15:03:02 Schweinekapitalisten
15:02:41 look at me
15:02:39 im nazi
15:02:22 +гибус шапки надел
15:02:18 я рофлю
15:02:16 в этом и рофл, лол
15:02:02 я знаю, в этом и рофл
15:01:34 °)͜ʖ(͠°
15:01:19 °)͜ʖ(͠°
15:01:17 Schieß Amerikaner
15:00:36 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:00:34 Schieß Amerikaner
15:00:27 vali nahui, ok?
15:00:22 pizdec
15:00:09 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
15:00:07 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:59:30 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:59:29 bye, noob
14:59:24 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:59:24 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:59:22 (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
14:59:13 im gay
14:59:11 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:59:05 nice shot
14:59:05 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:59:04 °)͜ʖ(͠°
14:59:03 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:58:40 Schieß Amerikaner
14:58:39 Schweinekapitalisten
14:58:38 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:58:38 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:58:35 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:58:34 Если вставил, вставляй глубже (c) Senpai [3
14:58:33 °)͜ʖ(͠°
14:58:29 N I C E S H O T, N O O B
14:58:15 nice shot
14:58:14 °)͜ʖ(͠°
14:58:13 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:57:37 °)͜ʖ(͠°
14:57:32 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:56:25 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:56:20 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:56:18 you`re dead meat.
14:55:53 ok(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:55:50 °)͜ʖ(͠°
14:51:49 ( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
14:51:47 °)͜ʖ(͠°
14:46:19 omg
14:45:24 go to red, noob
14:42:57 this server is shit
14:42:52 ++++
14:42:43 Where is bloody sentry alarm sound
14:42:32 wait what
14:42:02 ded
14:41:40 oops
14:37:42 peep-peep
14:37:35 wheres sound?
14:28:38 !fob 45
14:23:03 vpvb
14:20:32 yo chump gichoass outtam a vew
14:17:49 stop doing da tshit kiddo
14:17:49 haha yer gay u lov cocks bitch
14:17:47 ima rll y apunk
14:17:45 git otta ma fake
14:17:43 Please stlop pusing me out. Yooure nei darcl3ever nor funny
14:17:29 vpvb
14:15:55 !taunt
14:13:55 go to blue
14:12:21 not the keydrop
14:11:36 oof
14:11:13 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:11:12 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:11:11 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:11:05 :p
14:11:03 Shit.
14:09:28 ye
14:09:24 Infinite health?
14:06:38 1
14:06:36 vpvb
14:06:31 :p
14:06:28 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:06:25 write vpvb
14:06:23 ( ͡° ͜ʖ
14:06:20 ye
14:06:17 Oh wait that is a bot.
14:06:16 fkin
14:05:11 vpvb
14:04:08 ok fine
14:03:53 oracle is shit
14:03:50 but
14:03:44 daz aint even funny
14:03:44 eh
14:03:36 lets oracle
14:03:35 more uh
14:03:26 uh
14:02:19 xD
14:02:12 pootis cant read
14:01:34 gdgd
14:01:28 pootisfucker go blue
14:01:28 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
14:01:27 bichas pootis go blue
14:01:26 Schweinekapitalisten
14:01:25 Schieß Amerikaner
14:00:49 orb fag
13:59:03 unfair
13:58:16 my2
13:58:12 hbu?
13:58:11 gd
13:58:08 hows life
13:57:26 Riven. : lag
13:57:15 lags
13:56:59 yo
13:56:56 hey nigger
13:56:49 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:56:36 если бы только я мог дать тебе мут
13:56:31 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:56:31 nam pizda
13:56:25 gayture(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:56:22 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:56:22 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:56:06 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:55:57 shett
13:54:35 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:54:17 -brain
13:54:11 -directs
13:53:09 lmao
13:52:44 fuck
13:52:43 i lov u
13:52:39 ohh, ty
13:52:37 u gays
13:52:36 1 v 2
13:52:33 shett
13:51:51 lmao
13:51:48 thx, gay
13:51:36 ty
13:51:12 lmao
13:50:52 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:50:21 lmao, gay
13:50:00 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:49:45 heyhey, u gey(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)(͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:49:39 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:49:39 go blue
13:49:38 u gay
13:49:37 nigger
13:49:35 heyhey
13:49:30 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:48:17 (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:48:16 Schieß Amerikaner
13:48:08 Schweinekapitalisten
13:48:02 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:48:00 huilan
13:47:39 мерзко
13:47:35 i hate u
13:47:31 :D
13:47:31 +
13:47:27 хуйланы одни
13:47:25 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:47:12 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:47:09 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:47:06 go to blue team
13:47:04 конченое русское комьюннити
13:46:56 go blue
13:46:52 sosat, ping 17
13:46:13 !Taptime
13:46:08 !faptime
13:46:04 !fap
13:45:33 ez pez lemon sqez (͡° ͜ᴥ ͡°)
13:44:53 Schweinekapitalisten
13:43:58 ааа
13:43:56 ты ошибаешься, приятель
13:43:49 это не мой ник
13:42:57 Schieß Amerikaner
13:42:55 Schweinekapitalisten
13:42:50 Doom Slayer Chronicles
13:42:49 Вроде ник такой запомнился
13:42:48 sosat, blyat
13:42:42 Ну это давнишний сервер, он уж давно как не робит
13:41:55 sosat
13:41:42 sosat
13:41:33 не знаю такого
13:40:54 Empire ты же вроде на гмфг играл да?
13:38:03 Schieß Amerikaner
13:31:44 lol, vac
13:29:09 ty
13:29:04 vpvb
13:27:57 /botlvl4
13:27:37 /botlvl5
13:27:31 whatever
13:10:25 liek shee yeaa
13:10:07 a wshit dawg
13:10:06 i feel fear
13:10:00 get lost
13:09:44 8mu slap yo foiol
13:09:43 damn U twat
13:09:42 ey dont block mapunc azs bitkh
13:09:41 khill ot mofo
13:09:38 liek shee calm
13:09:36 all ban Karma his a biusta.
13:09:33 cmon kid
13:09:03 damn u ikid
13:09:02 ay ay
13:08:59 o please go away
13:08:57 fuucz u rr so fuki nbimbo, prick shieie, g oget lost urself
13:08:56 fget lost
13:08:46 kartoosyha f ofuck saKE!!
13:08:30 u wan get this shit even uglier?
13:08:22 /botlvl1
12:30:54 hahu yaur gay u loeb cock sdawg
12:30:54 Please stop pushinbg me out. Yore neide rclever noor funny
12:30:53 ye commo npunk as sbithc muthfuka
12:30:38 u fukken punk
12:30:35 boiehhhhu r ghayyyy dude
12:30:35 fuk off
12:24:18 /botlvl4
12:23:26 gg
12:19:25 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
12:19:15 卐D
12:19:13 good team mate :)...
12:19:01 卐D
12:18:59 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
12:17:07 nice
12:16:45 rtv
12:16:31 !nomia
12:14:21 pvb
12:13:37 pow pow pow muthfuek (ง ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=/̵͇̿̿/̿̿̿̿ ̿ ̿̿
12:10:30 /botlvl4
09:22:34 ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
09:21:52 suki suki, fuccer
07:55:42 blac hacking asshole ze froi lis hacking nblyatSHIEEbugget
07:55:31 spam no pls
07:55:11 UFF
07:55:03 mofo fkin nerd tryunabe
07:55:00 FUCK YOU
07:54:52 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
02:47:16 ╭∩╮( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
02:47:15 solapslapsalp bitgch
02:47:13 not neise bichass muthfuka
02:46:27 !voteban
02:46:27 ya dere fight properly kid
02:46:24 ey bimb
02:46:23 help
02:46:22 g etlost
02:46:02 Noob down
02:45:24 AY
02:45:07 !robot
02:09:41 /botlvl4
00:49:09 top
00:46:47 fu ka u azshole
00:46:31 ow u punk ass bitch
00:46:30 yo azshole
00:46:30 da fukc u tryna prove hae dawg
00:46:29 das ma spot niggu
00:46:29 ic u homie
00:46:03 huh no
00:45:56 ez af
00:45:46 hai ima slap ya fol
00:45:45 u rly wann age tkilld?
00:45:45 reeh yoou stay away fucka
00:45:36 u kant crush ma fuk r
00:45:36 ye lez go bitch
00:45:35 aw liek shi ichump
00:45:35 ge toff mi busta
00:45:34 fight proopahly punh kasss bitch
00:45:33 u oiant goonna pond mein as BITCH
00:45:15 mmm ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
00:44:42 dro9p it
00:44:42 aw go fuck yaself
00:44:40 figh tjrk
00:44:38 pleaze cu toff
00:44:37 ste pbaj thug
00:44:37 u ewint got onne m afol
00:44:37 cisd ir ruiniung mah cdoncetration
00:44:12 ey u cant crush meh boieh
00:44:11 fukin try
00:44:11 ima slap ye dawg
00:44:10 fight movfo
00:44:10 ur mehssing with th newrong og
00:44:09 leic fuck meh cxant even
00:44:05 shnow me some respect, bichass muthfuka
00:44:03 whm r u fuki nwith eh
00:44:01 ya fuk off
00:43:39 howdy m eodnt lice whahe this is goin
00:43:39 de fuck
00:43:39 dafuc ur tryna do bichass muthfuka
00:43:39 stay away prikc
00:43:39 me autoai mis co nfuxsed
00:43:39 ey step bakk man
00:43:39 away or ban
00:43:38 ey beat it
00:43:38 ya u wa nage ti teven worse?
00:43:37 yhsahu yooour gay u loev cok s fool
00:43:36 !voteban Dedi xDrawin
00:43:36 Ahhhhhhhhhhsied
00:43:33 ey fu koff
00:43:33 u fukken punk
00:43:29 8 can smel lburnin
00:43:28 blyat yau are so bitchy niggu, jak SHEIEIEIEIEIE, go cut loff yorself
00:43:27 can yoou plz die already?
00:43:27 XYuu
00:43:23 damn U m8
00:43:21 e ygerchu punk ass out man
00:43:08 !voteban Dedix Drawing
00:43:02 ee hniggr u need help, alot of ikt
00:42:53 pleaza egtfo
00:42:48 cmon chump move
00:42:45 Yqa pushin me over da edge here
00:42:44 aay wut
00:42:44 ye get off mein niggu
00:42:06 sheIIII meh canht even
00:42:05 !voteban Dedix Drawing
00:42:04 atashol
00:41:10 u suxjahc
00:41:07 u cant crush ma man
00:41:04 dunt even try
00:41:02 gech upun kass out mofo
00:41:01 OG comin throught
00:40:55 aay wut
00:40:07 shiee mei ncant even
00:40:05 uwan moah?
00:39:37 ill novcot eur anhos fduk a
00:38:53 bustu upunk
00:38:52 m yspeech list is to long 4u a yway
00:38:52 help
00:38:52 Yu pushin mi over da edge hae
00:38:48 dont block me asshole
00:38:48 ya thae dabfu kur try nado nigah
00:38:48 atashol
00:38:47 shiee mei ncant even
00:38:45 bichass muthfuca ur ruining meh concetration
00:38:44 c imu cil lu n9w
00:38:41 aaaw ma nigga
00:38:40 u do inuw i.l lrek u newq aydunchu
00:38:40 yo just get lost will tya
00:38:37 damn
00:38:37 move
00:38:36 !ban Dedix Drawing
00:38:36 bitch
00:38:35 hey theer u cant crusx hmein booi
00:38:08 PEWPEW
00:36:09 { ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•
00:06:13 пока
00:06:11 ладно я пойду отдыхать
00:05:55 ezZ
00:03:02 ashole u7r bad
23:52:48 yo gert cut offed
23:51:56 i almost got it
23:51:29 goku sux dikx :]
23:49:37 pvb
23:49:25 gimme sec
23:47:50 rank
23:47:29 pvb
23:46:55 ima cyall ur mm noe
23:46:10 top
23:45:44 rank
23:31:56 yr
23:29:04 Dude Sto pHak i nlool its not funne hdude just sto pSTOP OR ILL CALL MY GBEN ON YOU
23:27:51 rtv
23:27:41 nominate
23:26:15 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
23:25:36 brake
23:25:02 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
23:24:44 lul usuk
23:24:18 shiihsiee haahyah (͡o‿O͡)
23:23:52 tryharder m8
23:23:29 can u pls go to sv1
23:16:07 AY
23:04:32 slapslapsalp bud
23:04:31 fool ur ruining meh concetratioon
23:04:30 i cahn sel lburnin
23:04:28 yo just gegt lost will ya
23:04:24 looc step back mofo
23:03:07 lol no man fuck u
23:03:04 yr
23:02:59 ha
23:02:25 cool
23:02:24 /botlvl3
jou :
but i aint leavin
jou :
im bored oto
23:00:08 ime leave
23:00:06 im bored
23:00:04 k
22:57:37 oracle rip off
jou :
what the fuck is that rocket
jou :
is dat good?
jou :
Streak Sum2: 105.866905Streak Sum Record: 105.866905
jou :
i aint know wuts happenin in his brain
jou :
22:52:04 are u even kapable to hurt his feelings
jou :
i aint wanna hurt his feelingsd
22:51:36 wut
jou :
how do i politely tell me to get the fuck off my keyboard
22:50:09 yr
jou :
broken ass rtd
22:44:53 top
22:43:40 rtv
22:43:37 nominate
jou :
jou :
why was it 1/1
22:38:22 gd serva
22:38:01 ;c
jou :
22:37:55 cant
22:37:53 oh
jou :
expect jager himself
jou :
no one jaggers me
jou :
jou :
jou :
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