Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 05/04/2022:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
23:46:10 bruh lag
amk :
23:39:10 !menu
23:38:45 !store
23:38:22 lag
23:37:49 motd
23:37:41 !store
23:37:05 !give 238
23:37:01 !give
23:36:50 /store
23:36:38 (Team) !fp
23:36:30 !store
amk :
23:35:37 thanks
23:34:21 !menu
23:34:02 (Team) !tp
amk :
amk :
23:32:57 thanks
amk :
!give 19
23:31:36 !store
23:31:35 !store
amk :
23:30:42 !store
23:25:47 now it`s weird that you don`t always reflect directly
23:22:27 i can see his monitor
23:22:22 dude he is playing by my side
23:22:07 daggerfella has autoreflect
23:21:59 ?
23:21:51 i can see ur lmaobox, especially with that ping
amk :
amk :
23:19:07 !rank
23:18:12 siktin bizi beaaa
23:18:10 uii
23:17:19 on your zone, your m1 works
23:16:30 ok
23:16:27 if u ded
23:16:25 revives u
23:16:22 regenesis
23:16:20 whats regenesi
23:14:54 lol
23:14:02 it was funny
23:13:59 thats oka
23:13:54 sorry
23:13:52 oh
23:13:52 xd
23:13:47 JAVELIN
23:13:42 what
23:13:28 yep
23:13:25 can you survive it?
23:13:16 lmao
23:13:12 fuck
23:13:12 i got it
23:12:49 stay away
23:12:45 covid
23:12:34 a
23:12:33 can`t :(
23:12:24 !logpts
23:10:53 !logpts
23:10:41 coins are given for pts. pts from how you reflect
23:10:31 i get like 4 per drop
23:10:26 too expensive tho
23:10:19 !coin
23:10:16 !swagcoins
23:10:14 !store
23:10:11 u can also buy keys and hats in the local store for swagcoins
23:09:19 yeah thanks no thanks
23:09:17 /botlvl4
23:09:14 !botlvl
23:09:10 the bot has levels, I can demonstrate level 5 (it is only available with 100 pts)
23:07:54 kills u
23:07:48 explode
23:07:35 snt
23:07:33 oh
23:07:30 killbind doest kill u, just slap u
23:07:27 cancelling
23:07:26 how tf are you taunt cancellin
23:06:45 how`d you do that
23:06:33 look at me
23:06:31 wanna see smth?
23:04:57 we know
23:04:47 btw
23:04:46 u guys have a ping of 100 n higher
23:03:56 wtf
23:02:24 at the one time
23:02:18 you can slow down the missile if you reflect while crouching
23:00:30 !revote
amk :
23:00:08 Are you a Nazi блять сука?
23:00:07 vpvb
23:00:03 !votepvb
23:00:03 Are you a Nazi блять?
23:00:02 ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡ 0)
23:00:01 btw
22:59:59 we can turn off the bot
22:59:53 suki suci, amigo
22:59:45 !fov 121
22:59:44 we played dodgeball before ._.
22:59:38 fov 100 is default
22:59:33 you can also use the commands in the chat: !tp ; !fp ; !fov 20-130
22:58:56 axax acyka blet nahuuui bla kliek shi SHEEEIEIE
22:58:42 get rekt m anigga
22:58:30 remember it
22:58:24 there will be no flamethrower animation, but there will be sound
22:58:10 мб на 1?
22:58:06 чё ты пиздишь мусор
22:57:58 when the end of the airblast is coming
22:57:50 thanks for the help though
22:57:43 bro we get it it`s just hard to do both together
22:57:37 да блин
22:57:35 русский это же вата, я правильно понимаю сука?
22:57:30 after you run out of air, you can press again, but you can`t press often х2
22:57:25 g gfucka
22:57:20 ima da bos her
amk :
1.35 :d
22:57:00 i`m using 40 sens tho
22:56:54 know wut ur bad
22:56:45 Yo guys need more sensitivity
22:56:44 i cant get the timing
22:56:38 enough
22:56:34 we just cant reflect quickly
22:56:31 #getrektmateyaupieceoofshitimlgqwuickscopeduandurmamaindeface
22:56:01 flick - to point a missile somewhere rather than directly reflecting
22:55:51 thanks
22:55:50 k
22:55:41 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
22:55:20 to multireflect, you don`t have to spin it behind you, and also when reflectin you have to do flick
22:54:06 !fov 120
22:53:56 learn to m2 nigga
22:53:28 cooldown is increased, but you can`t just spam and 100% reflect everything, u`ll still get hit by a missile
22:53:26 thats too hard
22:53:24 i get it but still can`t use it to reflect the rocket twice
22:52:53 damn
22:52:45 pizdooz
22:52:31 catch the time
22:52:29 ty
22:52:27 kk
22:52:18 ooohhh
22:52:13 will not count
22:52:05 ye u dint expecchut1
22:52:04 after you run out of air, you can press again, but you can`t press often
22:51:41 naw, that`s not working like that
22:51:27 lol
22:51:25 what if i bind to mousewheeldown
22:51:09 dude ur bad
22:51:05 !revote
22:50:38 i don`t get it :(
22:50:11 yep, after airblast
22:50:00 right after reflecting it?
22:49:36 after m2, do it again and there will be a reflect sound, but without the flamethrowe animation
22:49:31 ez
22:48:52 ha
22:48:11 nop
22:48:06 rtd,
22:47:25 bruh
22:47:02 ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
22:46:33 dunt even try
22:46:29 !fov 121
22:46:27 !fov 125
22:46:25 !tp
22:46:16 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
22:45:39 woo pwoopp
22:45:14 ez af
22:45:02 SHEIEI shit kno wwu tur vbad bitch
22:44:47 yeah but we cant blast that quickly
22:44:46 you spam m2 or what
22:44:31 all uve got m4 ass?
22:44:18 on this server, airblast have been buffed
22:44:18 u can do beter than that bitch
22:44:03 no how are you backfiring that fast
22:44:02 blast*
22:44:00 yeah airblast
22:43:52 airblat?
22:43:46 how are you that fast tho
22:43:17 Little Zero : do backfire without orb
22:43:11 how are you doing that
22:43:10 sheieaiih no
22:43:09 do backfire without orb
22:42:52 HOW
22:41:19 vpvb
22:41:02 00)))
22:40:06 ay lmao
22:39:25 /botlvl1
22:39:23 !botlevel
22:39:22 !coin
amk :
amk :
22:39:09 /botlvl1
22:39:09 !botlevel
22:39:07 /botlvl2
22:39:06 !botlevel
22:39:05 /botlvl1
22:39:04 !botlevel
amk :
amk :
22:38:57 /botlvl1
22:38:56 !botlevel
22:38:55 /botlvl1
22:38:54 !botlevel
22:38:41 dats a frail nigu
22:37:40 hsieeee shuei punk likek shee shii
22:37:22 rekt fuckr
22:36:56 !rank
22:36:42 get rekt punk
22:35:44 dawged u just got kild
22:35:26 damn usuk
22:33:51 !coin
22:33:49 !co`n
amk :
22:33:34 !store
22:33:08 nuuh
22:32:38 botlvl44
22:32:36 !botlvl44
22:32:33 !botlvl
amk :
22:32:17 lvl
22:32:12 !botlevel44
22:32:09 !botlevle44
22:32:02 /botlvl1
22:32:01 !botlevel 44
22:32:01 !botlevel
22:31:52 /botlvl4
22:31:51 !botlevel
22:31:50 deal with it byruact h(⌐■_■)
22:31:48 /botlvl3
22:31:47 !botlevel
22:31:43 /botlvl1
22:31:42 !botlevel
22:31:39 /botlvl2
22:31:39 liek shi ulu jeez SHIEE)))
22:31:37 !botlevel
22:31:31 /botlvl1
22:31:29 !botlevel
22:30:41 imja horehook yo anhoos pal
22:29:37 WTFflwpokawPOTKAwokfdaowit
22:28:45 huz nex t̿ ̿`̿`̵͇̿̿з=(⌐■ʖ■)=ε/̵͇̿̿/`̿̿ ̿ ̿
amk :
22:27:51 gitgud
amk :
22:27:08 !store
22:27:05 !store
22:26:34 dunt even try
22:26:20 u fukken kiddo
22:25:37 g odrop this bitch down
22:24:23 !pts
22:24:10 !pts
amk :
22:23:52 !pts
22:23:33 aax cyka)))
amk :
22:22:03 alk uve got bitch?
22:21:28 !rank
22:19:48 rekt nerd
22:18:49 ha
22:18:16 /menu
22:18:16 !help
22:18:14 !hel
22:18:11 aye mu nigga
22:17:49 !store
22:17:44 !levels
22:17:25 !levels
22:17:21 !pts
22:17:17 !lds
22:17:10 /botlvl5
22:17:08 !botlevel
22:16:57 /menu
22:16:57 !help
22:16:54 !bots
22:16:53 !bot
22:16:52 ооооо приветик
22:16:50 !levels
22:16:49 !levels
22:16:45 !
22:16:43 (Team) Uber Ready!
22:16:41 !levels
22:16:38 /menu
22:16:38 !help
22:16:36 !rank
22:16:29 /menu
22:16:29 !help
22:16:14 !logrank
22:15:32 nah mi can kill u ez
22:15:15 чекушка джокера
22:15:09 ебать ты
22:14:57 !logrank
22:14:54 roopsukku thx fo a lag
22:14:22 /menu
22:14:22 !help
22:14:19 heii kid fuckefr dman
22:14:13 fite meh:(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
22:13:52 k fuk u tho busta
22:13:32 !pts
22:13:30 /menu
22:13:30 !help
22:13:27 !rank
22:13:25 !rank
22:13:23 eat adic knigga
22:13:12 n8cer try
22:12:58 !rank
22:12:39 !store
22:12:37 !pts
22:12:01 df why all joinin g red I NEED HELP TOO
22:11:50 i fsome1 ulittle kiddoooos thae qwo ldbe this ssme pin`` gjumpi nporblem uwoul dbe3 de daf
22:11:36 dayyyuum punk
22:11:18 thisx lag SPIKES
22:11:04 i love to see it when newbies thin`king ey gd
22:10:39 liec shii bustableazt
22:10:29 liek shee liek shee know wut ur vad nigga
22:10:21 !logpts
22:10:17 shieie nigger bitkh get lost u rfucka shii fucka
22:10:01 frunky roopsukk a nigga
22:09:46 liek fuuk liek shii
22:09:35 shuei bitchaZs
22:09:28 da hell
22:09:11 aw jman
22:08:33 !cheats
22:08:30 !fuel
22:08:29 !fuel
22:08:22 /menu
22:08:22 !help
22:08:18 e ehu iant ci llmal iek du tbitch
22:08:09 !cheats
22:07:54 lill
22:07:51 !lill
22:07:50 lill
22:07:42 /menu
22:07:42 !help
22:07:13 4 fuck sakes
22:06:53 apesex
22:06:52 apesex
22:04:45 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
22:03:03 ,.!.,
22:00:21 бинд надо убратьб
22:00:13 блять
22:00:08 Да, вы
22:00:00 ай драчю
21:59:57 !logpts
21:59:52 !store
21:56:31 axa xcyka)))
21:32:06 !pts
21:25:17 !pts
21:18:23 (Team) !fov
21:17:04 !fov 110
21:15:37 !pts
21:14:28 !fov
20:54:12 сука дайте мне шумовку я отпизжу етого гада
20:54:01 да?
20:53:57 Не успела ],[
20:53:50 !store
20:49:55 го на пустыню поменяем
20:44:26 заебало я не хочу в тимеб ольше играть ни с кем кроме сундера и аира
20:16:46 i need war mup fp
20:15:31 i got yu ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
amk :
20:14:27 c fu kede sh statue
20:12:12 he thae poshel nahuia
20:10:21 E for egfort
amk :
amk :
amk :
20:06:20 aw yae
20:05:32 ey know wut
20:04:35 E 4 effort
amk :
amk :
20:03:29 viiebu
20:00:32 !store
amk :
19:59:34 do ya url;y ant 2i doominaet yau
19:58:58 ))))))))000000000
19:58:31 daym no
19:57:48 woop wopp
19:55:56 !store
19:54:37 wasn`t even tryuing
amk :
19:53:41 yuea hbieycthn
19:50:33 ye byetch u wont get ma dat ezily
19:48:25 njgget usuk
19:44:11 ain`t 3even cloose
19:39:30 aye ma nu thurt :(
19:32:46 ey u iant kill mal iek dat bitch
19:32:26 aaaaaaaaa
19:30:59 !store
19:30:47 hsieeee vittun kno wwut ur bad bitch
19:28:51 SHEEEIEIE yeaa
19:28:11 !store
19:27:56 !votepvb
19:26:57 gtg
19:25:54 !store
19:25:46 !pts
19:24:38 !logpts
19:24:18 /fp
19:23:45 /tp
19:17:59 !pts
19:15:01 !tp
19:14:50 !store
19:13:33 !store
19:13:30 !store
19:13:27 !market
19:13:06 lol
19:13:04 sorry
amk :
19:11:06 the timing
19:11:02 lol
19:08:38 ohhh
19:08:35 (Team) click faster without holding mouse button
19:08:32 huh
19:08:25 delay
19:08:23 hidden m2 spam
19:07:52 how do you guys airblast twice in a short amount of time
19:06:47 !pts
18:59:18 (Team) !fp
18:58:20 !coin
amk :
18:55:27 (Team) !coin
18:49:51 (Team) !tp
amk :
18:44:11 rtv
18:40:17 (Team) !fp
18:38:23 gonna eat brb
18:36:54 so good at this
18:36:51 are yous
18:36:49 hwow tf
18:36:46 isn`t there a human limit to how much you can improve at dodgeball
18:36:27 (Team) !tp
18:35:45 !store
18:33:50 ...
18:32:35 rest in rips
18:32:31 a shet
18:32:26 the got the varus
18:32:25 dying from what
18:32:16 daggerfella is dying
18:32:12 guys guys
18:31:04 WTF
18:30:35 !coins
18:30:29 !store
18:29:40 the fuck
18:29:14 !store
18:28:49 truly a sex moment
18:28:43 what a sex moment
18:26:56 lol
18:26:43 red team is more like lag team
18:26:43 ffs
18:24:51 ok
18:24:50 ohhh
18:24:48 oracle rockets
18:24:42 use rtd
18:22:18 !logpts
18:20:50 !store
18:19:57 oh me
18:19:19 !logall
18:19:18 !allpts
18:19:10 !logpts
18:18:54 nba nah fucka
18:16:39 kfuk d a sh istatue
17:56:43 дай чистильщик с:
17:56:36 !shop
17:56:04 (Team) !shop
17:54:24 Valve Studio Orchestra
17:40:04 !pts
17:35:46 (Team) !pts
17:35:42 gg
17:34:32 the
17:32:47 You
17:31:53 ez
17:31:13 what the
17:31:05 why is there
17:26:04 nah u nered t otryhar d2even handel 100
17:25:29 damn
17:23:15 R3KT fucka
17:22:44 я лучше жопу почешу, чем ракеты щас в таком состоянии пинать буду реал
17:22:14 shii dutws wasnt eve nnice
17:21:21 autistic tactics in hr
17:21:12 00)))
17:20:33 лвл5 ток на меня работает, если умру - то ваш лвл будет, который выбрали
17:20:09 yo ka ndo betta than that
17:19:35 еш борщ и мочи этот борщ
17:19:25 v
17:19:21 остановись пинг блять
17:18:13 Это понятно. Что еще скажешь умного?
17:18:11 слышь
17:18:04 м
17:15:38 !rtv
17:14:51 (Team) !logall
17:14:51 (Team) !shop
17:14:33 а как играть
17:14:14 fuck lie kdut wuz bad, nigg
17:12:52 а то я умею готовить только своё ебало
17:12:41 dats afail
17:11:24 возде ракеты?
17:11:17 как ты крутишься
17:10:38 сука
17:10:34 свали нахуй
17:09:08 ye bitch das u noow (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
17:08:51 fdats a fail bichass
17:06:55 как твой фпс сожрать?
17:06:48 ты де
17:06:26 Чудеса
17:06:19 И птиц с высоты скидывать
17:06:08 PEWPEW
17:05:56 ye bitch
17:03:57 bichass u just got fuk outta hereed
17:03:46 !rtdy!rtd
17:03:06 ill novote u ranhoo sm8
17:02:20 tryharder prikk, me believe in u (i dont)
17:00:32 Нет нет, ты чего
17:00:03 vpvb
17:00:02 /menu
17:00:02 !help
16:59:04 hooly fuk mah w2hol egame laggin bc of this ciss
16:58:20 ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
16:57:47 bitkh sm_autoreflect script dik ing hacker bitch nigga`
16:57:44 !pts
16:57:40 !pet
16:57:18 ну и хули ты сзади стоиь
16:56:59 "bind "[q]" "say ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
16:56:37 axxaax
16:54:40 try alt+f4 nezxt tiem
16:53:12 ваш bitchasss muzefuck aидти ебать твою задницу Sooo глубоко
16:53:05 fight punl
16:47:12 щя приду а то ебаный ник стилер опять мне ник поменял
16:47:05 блять ебаный менятель имён
16:46:53 urredicojulous
16:45:51 пидерские
16:45:45 я ебал в рот ваши тайминги
16:44:49 ты кому?
16:44:36 ))))))))000000000
16:44:03 !rtd
16:43:36 uwoot
16:43:03 потому что заебал
16:42:57 да не подходи ты блять
16:42:38 ythahe yo get droped
16:41:53 сидит эта бригада
16:41:48 <3
16:41:42 та нахуй иди уже
16:40:17 где твои блять соседи
16:39:00 yiz
16:38:16 ыыы
16:38:10 моя защитница :D
16:37:08 Ты прав
16:36:54 ineeed warm up fp
16:36:46 ill novoote ur anhoos pal
16:36:37 ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡ 0)
16:36:23 dude pls stop go meh face xD
16:35:58 Dude Stop Hackin lol its no funny dude jus tstop STOP OR ILL CALL MY GBEN ON YOU
16:34:18 я способна говорить часами и совершенно не устаю, а что блять можешь ты?
16:34:14 !pts
16:34:14 !rtdМ
16:34:13 М
16:33:27 пошёл нахуй
16:33:05 learn to m2 cnump
16:32:20 бЛЯТЬ Я ЗАВИС
16:32:07 !rtd
16:31:58 ye BITCH ma nigga
16:31:47 point blank aboozer
16:31:33 М
16:31:29 Дибилы блять
16:31:26 0
16:31:12 gg chump
16:31:10 u fukken asssdhole
16:30:48 k ima kil lu now
16:30:38 whom ur goinas toching ye nigga
16:29:04 !rtd
16:26:19 Сука ну что за перевод
16:26:06 shioiiisheIIII haahah (͡o‿O͡)
16:25:37 shi no
16:25:18 !shop
16:25:16 ебаный синий экран
16:23:04 v
16:22:35 u rly diod it
16:21:06 !shop
16:20:58 (Team) !shop
16:16:21 suku SHEIEI know wut ur bads bitch
16:15:41 hah uoma top ki;llaz u cant stap me
16:14:49 1 я кил 1 ты кил
16:14:36 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
16:12:04 !logall
16:11:58 !logal
16:11:53 !logol
16:11:48 !logall
16:11:20 Муниципальное автономное образовательное Учреждение «Средняя общео
16:10:41 ты где
16:10:28 R3KT busta
16:09:57 сука
16:07:37 /botlvl4
16:07:37 !botlevel
16:07:36 /menu
16:07:36 !help
16:07:12 это не моя была
16:07:08 м [SM] Помедленнее ебать!
16:07:00 Не бейтне
15:21:37 !shop
15:21:34 !pts
15:21:32 !pet
15:21:25 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
15:20:19 jak ty jseteś robojtem
15:19:00 jak ty jesteś robotem
15:18:38 axaxa cyku blet nahuuui bitchy hsie lec fuuc
15:17:57 да блять
15:17:31 jak ty jseteś robotem
15:16:12 та за шо
15:16:05 а в дивинити не идёт сука
15:15:25 jak ty jesteś robotem
15:15:11 gwp 3e zgame ez lief
15:14:53 xahuaee no
15:13:52 ))0
15:13:14 Вот так)
15:13:08 СУКА ТАМ СТЕНА?!
15:12:56 prikk u bud
15:11:28 !rank
15:10:55 i iarbvlazted thut shit
15:10:10 !logall
15:02:53 get rekt kid
15:02:20 У меня на кошельке 53 рубля.
15:02:18 !menu
14:57:14 !shop
14:57:09 !pts
14:54:05 pvb
14:53:44 (Team) !pvb
14:43:41 !solo
14:42:42 !tp
14:39:06 rank
14:35:46 vpvb
14:31:18 !pts
14:31:12 !shop
14:31:08 !pet
14:31:07 !SHOP
14:30:59 !shop
14:30:44 xD
14:30:25 ye lez go fool
14:30:00 ))0
14:29:39 !rtd
14:29:17 i bet ur gonna rq now boi
14:28:16 Xx-_Pu$$ySl3y@69#420_-xX : Сос... Сосмыс... Соси короче
14:28:12 красивые ракеты конечно, но тяжелее отржать
14:28:00 ez
14:26:37 hah ah ah
14:25:32 wu
14:25:25 Rust join red
14:24:30 То, что ты долбоеб.
14:24:02 ma nigga u assshole
14:23:16 рано(
14:23:11 противники будут седня?
14:22:58 wasn`t even trying
14:21:33 mofo u just got kild
14:19:56 сейчас что было нахуй
14:19:42 u wana hget us bpth killd?
14:19:35 meh
14:18:38 vpvb
14:18:36 /menu
14:18:36 !help
14:17:03 !shop
14:12:05 ай блять
14:12:02 /botlvl4
14:12:01 !botlevel
14:12:00 /menu
14:12:00 !help
14:11:56 vpvb
14:11:55 /menu
14:11:55 !help
14:10:48 !pts
14:09:56 V
14:09:48 !pts
14:09:40 hsieee emein would nochie if it waznt for fucking oorspukka
14:07:00 dats a fail dude
14:06:27 !rtd]
14:05:40 Idi naxui
14:05:37 ебать 17 фпс
14:04:27 ur a fucking tr4yhard andta only reason im bad is cause ur difficulty is low
14:03:25 у меня друг все время на 20 играет
14:02:04 !shop
14:01:42 u tly wannq get killd?
14:01:27 ooout, now
14:00:27 захлебнулся
14:00:21 !pts
14:00:21 блять
13:59:44 (Team) !logpts
13:59:39 стоп
13:59:30 за
13:59:25 ебать
13:59:12 aaaw fucker
13:57:14 vpvb
13:57:12 /menu
13:57:12 !help
13:56:09 (Team) !rtv
13:55:06 6!rtd
13:54:15 /botlvl4
13:54:15 !botlevel
13:54:14 !shop
13:54:14 /menu
13:54:14 (Team) !help
13:53:00 !rtv
13:52:27 (Team) !pts
13:52:21 !pts
13:45:40 (Team) !shop
13:45:34 !shop
13:43:09 !pts
13:43:01 !duel
13:40:05 !pts
13:37:45 !pts
13:35:44 !pts
13:32:20 !pts
13:32:15 !shop
13:29:59 !coin
13:29:03 !pts
13:27:11 !pts
13:23:49 v
13:23:41 (Team) !shop
13:23:29 !pts
13:19:02 !logrank
13:18:59 /menu
13:18:59 !help
13:18:49 (Team) !pts
13:18:37 !shop
13:15:55 !pts
13:14:55 Hahaha shit
13:13:43 !shop
13:13:39 t
13:13:38 !shop
13:13:19 Can you not orbit in this server?
13:12:27 !pts
13:12:13 Damn this server is laggy
13:11:49 !tp
13:10:32 (Team) !logpts
13:08:27 !pts
13:05:28 надо читы вводить?
13:05:24 !rtv
13:04:59 ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
13:04:07 )
13:03:33 yiz
13:02:37 u fout3 well, m8 mei8n r8 8/8 wud d8 ur ass again
13:02:19 jajaja
13:01:25 !levels
13:01:19 /menu
13:01:19 (Team) !help
13:00:35 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
13:00:22 :D
13:00:17 я же тебе писал уже
13:00:11 !pts
13:00:04 sieg heil ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ 卐卐卐
12:58:46 fail as usual
12:57:11 /botlvl5
12:57:10 /botlvl4
12:57:10 !botlevel
12:57:09 !botlevel
12:57:08 /menu
12:57:08 (Team) !help
12:57:07 /menu
12:57:07 !help
12:57:02 vpvb
12:57:01 /menu
12:57:01 (Team) !help
12:56:24 !give 1000000
12:56:10 !give
12:56:05 !pts
12:53:37 !givemeall
12:51:41 !shop
12:51:34 (Team) !pts
12:50:21 !shop
12:49:18 (Team) `wsdq;
12:48:12 !logpts
12:46:51 vpvb
12:46:48 /menu
12:46:48 !help
12:44:34 Смартфон взорвался
12:43:37 ебалн
12:42:23 sreh was afk
12:42:16 дада
11:47:38 как жизнь?
11:47:30 ДА АБИИДНА
11:47:23 !fov 100
10:39:45 u f7ukkren amiogo
10:36:47 yo dont hat eme cajse im beutiful
10:31:58 Еба я 18 в топе
10:31:48 !fp
10:29:12 !tp
10:29:05 neeh
03:12:00 охуенное ртд
03:11:58 не ребёнок
03:11:51 !store
03:11:44 berk u homie
03:07:20 gg m87
03:06:35 !store
03:06:33 охуенный
03:06:26 !store
03:05:29 : ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
03:05:21 (͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
03:05:17 А ты пропустил ракету((((
03:05:12 заебись
03:05:02 зато не тебе поинт достался
03:04:55 ну ты покетон
03:04:52 /botlvl1
03:04:50 !botlevel
03:04:49 /menu
03:04:49 !help
03:04:46 !botlevel
03:04:45 /menu
03:04:45 !help
03:02:13 агась
03:02:10 не вышло
03:02:01 !store
03:01:45 m8 at leaschu tried ur lardass
03:01:01 aye asshole
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