Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 23/05/2024:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
23:21:39 niggu 2stonk 4ya ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
23:19:40 ебани
23:19:24 well, ur almost maed good
23:17:48 что за программа ?
22:21:00 gg wp ez game ez lief nigga
18:33:58 я заебался
18:33:41 ha
18:33:36 nah
18:32:16 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
18:31:08 а давай с этой
18:31:03 иди нахуй
18:22:27 i good for here what ban
18:21:27 1 go blue
18:11:52 w;p moran
18:09:28 !rtd
18:09:06 !rtd
18:04:16 oi chill out bu7sta
18:03:38 fu kolooo00offf
18:03:14 завтра у всех - инвентари,вальва скажет: тф больше не фиксим и не обнов
17:59:39 сука
17:59:18 u still oew meh ur as spal
17:58:31 я и съебал с того адреса
17:58:16 ima da bos sher
17:57:00 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
17:55:08 dat wuz bad, niggu
17:53:39 yo can doo better than thut kid
17:53:09 tryharder niggu
17:52:20 thu gu just got kild
17:52:00 ay em8
17:51:09 23 года
17:51:03 меня туда не суй
17:45:59 u used to be bettza dawg
17:44:39 na nah mloofo
17:43:38 vpvb
17:43:33 /menu
17:43:33 !help
17:43:26 !bot
17:43:18 ( ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ͜ ʖ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿°̿ ̿ )
17:43:13 !pvb
15:36:21 иди нахуй
07:32:21 u still ooew me ur ass punk
06:52:00 suki suki, bitch
06:45:50 daym ye byetkjh u wo9on tget me dat ezily
06:43:16 fair enough
Vov :
about 10 min
06:42:57 how long you been playin dodgeball?
Vov :
i just wanna traing this new/old airblast box
06:36:12 also a lovely community
06:36:10 blackwater has good ping n good bots when joining alone
06:35:30 good ping there
06:35:27 u can play on blackwater then
Vov :
06:35:09 where ya from?
Vov :
and training
Vov :
06:34:57 not judging, just curious
06:34:51 so why you playin here then
Vov :
06:33:53 the rockets here are awfully slow to be fair
06:32:42 !votepvb
06:32:23 vs bot xd
06:32:21 cant win
06:32:15 i assume we
06:31:30 !fov 130
06:31:27 !fov 149
06:31:25 !fov
Vov :
06:31:18 ayo
06:31:08 ))0
06:28:29 лан захади
06:28:23 да уже читы пришлось
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