~10% of your ptsSquere root of your current pts actually
each 1-10 min randomly (~5 min average, but x2 more rare when bot enabled), and you also get x2-x3 more coins per each drop the more silvers you play with (only if you're Guardian+ yourself).
With these coins you can buy pyro hats, or even tf2 keys at variable rate shown below (which can be cashed out for irl money). Swagcoins can also be traded with players while on server with !give command. Initially at the beginning of promotion as for winter 2021 every player recieves
sqrt(playdays)*300which means everyone who outplayed at least 40 minutes can already requst a hat, and those who outplayed 11 days can request a key!
you can see your current playtime at stats page
you can see your current playtime at stats page

Swagcoins are obtainable only by playing at server, gifted and recieved by !give command, earned in 1v1 duels (!duel `coins`), awarded to players doing usefull stuff, substracted as penalties to players doing shit stuff, and cant be obtained outside the server in any way.

Swagcoins are meant to attract new players, and reward old players for thier activity, so swagcoins drop has a daily limit of a coins equal to key price (initially 1000) and will be disabled at all when there is stable server activity (read smallprint), but the excisting coins will still remain exchangable for keys/hats.
Coins in excistence right now: 1846252 (1846 potential keys!)
The less coins there will be left in excistence, the higher rates they will have (cheaper keys), so at first rates may vary alot, but in future expected swagcoins price will be raising 20-100% per year!
Also each next key recieved for one person gets extra 10% (5% since 2023) overprice atop the base pricemeaning each person\'s first key costs 100% of base price
second key for same person costs 100+10% of base price (110%)
third key for same person costs 110+10% of base price (121%)
tenth key for same person costs 100+10%^10 of base price (259%) etc
. All future changes will be displayed below in changelogs.second key for same person costs 100+10% of base price (110%)
third key for same person costs 110+10% of base price (121%)
tenth key for same person costs 100+10%^10 of base price (259%) etc
!ptshow many point scores you earn per ~5 misses. Each coin drop you recieve number of coins, matched your squere root (cubic root since 2023) of your pts. (meaning if you have pts < 4 you get 1 coin, 25pts brings you 5 coins, 200pts brings you 14 coins etc), Get good in game to earn much faster! More info about how pts works at "about pts" page!give send coins to another player on server.
!coins | !store check your current balance, suggests to make hat/key request if you have enough coins via ingame motd.
!coinsstatscheck current coins drop chances per minute. Normally ranges from 10% to 40% per minute. The more silvers playing at the moment, the higher chances are, so dont make them quit for your own wealth!.
!duel (coins) challenge the player to a duel of tournament mode (5000xp round til death), the winner gets a double bet, the loser loses the bet. Both players must confirm same price with this command before duel start
March 10 2022: up to x4 faster coin drops when silver online (!coinsstats to check). Now with support of motd ingame ordering.May 15 2022: Newly created private empty accounts with rank of gold nova+ are now automaticly suspected into cheating/smurfing and therefore will get banned from store purchases, due to being useless wastes. They will still be allowed to transfer their coins to "trusted" accounts and make store transactions there. Trusted accounts are either accounts with high playtime and properly slow rising rank, or old public non-scammer looking steam page with public inventory.
January 1 2024: Now the number of swagcoin drops per player depends not on the cube/square root of the current pts, as before, but on your rank level at the time of drop, where each next rank starting from zero will bring one coin more than the previous one.