Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 28/11/2020:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
02:25:08 haha ima top- killaz u can5 stap mwh
02:11:37 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
02:08:21 fuk was that
00:19:54 rekt dude
00:18:25 nigger ur bad
00:17:35 may god rest ur sol busta
00:16:58 !levels
00:16:56 bitchas
00:16:53 /menu
00:16:53 !help
00:16:53 ajajajaa
00:16:50 help
00:16:47 )
00:16:45 /botlvl1
00:16:43 !botlevel
00:16:36 /menu
00:16:36 !help
00:16:24 /menu
00:16:24 !help
00:16:20 vpvb
00:16:08 /menu
00:16:08 !help
00:15:07 im 2op
00:14:23 i goot ya busta ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
00:13:17 /botlvl1
00:13:16 !botlevel
00:13:13 /menu
00:13:13 !help
23:59:14 /menu
23:59:14 !help
23:59:04 /botlvl1
23:59:02 !botlevel
23:58:56 /menu
23:58:56 !help
23:58:49 !level
23:58:41 !levels
23:58:39 /menu
23:58:39 !help
23:58:27 vpvb
23:58:25 /menu
23:58:25 !help
23:58:17 /menu
23:58:17 !help
23:58:07 vpvb
23:57:58 /menu
23:57:58 !help
23:56:38 ic u prick
19:20:37 ey yo ur such a f00l mr ass
19:19:51 u rsuch uf00lo azshole
19:19:43 ow busta
19:19:28 !rtd
19:18:53 whu chudoin
19:18:44 yo u wan get this shit even uglir?
18:36:14 whom ur goinu tochin`g y ebusta
18:35:20 o idaf ukur tryna do busta
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