Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 7/05/2024:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
00:26:01 vpvb
00:25:58 /menu
00:25:29 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:24:32 /botlvl1
00:24:30 !botlevel
00:24:27 /menu
00:24:23 nah u need to tryard to even handle 100
19:46:02 lie kshi such uh huh
19:43:17 bitkh u just go tkild
19:40:25 busta uniga
19:39:55 waz wron gwit hu bud
19:39:24 fukinm fool
19:38:44 сука во уебок
19:38:39 ебать лох
19:37:26 когда ты отржаешья не успеваю
18:45:40 BRAKE
18:44:54 !tp
18:42:57 kys
18:42:48 i go ya niggu ( ͡͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)
15:14:01 massive try
15:13:26 Докажешь?
10:29:21 k
10:29:19 bye
10:29:17 okay, i have to go too
10:28:37 bb
10:28:35 bye
10:28:31 bye
10:28:30 that was fun
10:28:23 xd
10:26:58 lol
10:26:57 LOL
10:23:26 we can reflect our rockets lol
10:22:23 lol
10:22:21 XD
10:22:17 tf
10:21:24 epic
10:19:19 gg
10:16:48 oops
10:13:29 oopy
10:11:24 yea
10:11:20 epic
10:07:25 oopy
10:05:59 lmao
10:02:27 xd
09:35:30 please disappear
09:35:06 демон ты мой XDDD
07:37:06 ay lmao xaxaaxx
07:35:54 gg nihgu
07:29:51 ll uve got bieatkh?
07:27:53 )
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