Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 10/05/2021:

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Time Name
Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
21:59:38 hsie SHEIEIEIEIEIE shdeiiiii SHEIEI)))
21:57:29 his is gettin`g awcward
21:53:14 boiehhhgu r ghayyyy azshooke
21:51:13 vittu vittu
21:50:44 u suxnigger
20:11:56 !botlvlrnd
20:10:28 !cheats
20:10:23 /tp
20:10:19 !cheats
20:10:17 !close
19:25:44 rektesiomoo ᕦ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )ᕤ
19:24:17 fuk urself
19:24:03 /duel
19:13:46 botlvl44
19:12:15 na nah niggu
19:11:28 botlvl44
19:11:28 /close
19:11:12 i hitted d atu CHEATOR
19:01:14 botlvl44
18:59:50 /close
18:59:48 /tp
18:59:24 /tp
18:59:21 /close
18:38:17 fite mah:(ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
18:35:41 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
18:35:26 /tp
18:35:24 /tpd
18:33:08 well played kid
18:31:23 /tp
18:17:24 !rtd
12:22:33 /duel
12:12:27 /duel
12:06:35 botlvl44
12:01:11 /tp
12:00:56 /close
12:00:14 rtv
12:00:06 nominate
04:15:03 vpvb
04:15:00 /menu
04:15:00 !help
04:12:58 go go fuk ursedlf
04:12:31 2ex75me
03:02:34 (Team) !ROBOT
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