Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 11/03/2021:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
23:37:41 botlvl44
23:35:58 ur asking for dis bitch
23:35:41 botlvl5
23:35:37 (Team) botlvl5
23:35:34 (Team) BOTLVL5
23:27:25 /tp
23:26:07 !fp
23:21:01 /pts
23:09:10 my speech l;ist is to longed 4u neway
23:03:26 /tp
23:02:54 !cheats
21:44:29 /lds
21:44:13 nol tm afault u rlagin` punk as sbitch
21:43:12 /pts
21:42:57 a ylmao
21:31:33 !cheats
21:31:30 !cheats
21:31:28 !tp
21:15:33 blue bird : nah my turtle just pissed on my router
21:15:31 /pts
20:36:57 !close
20:36:24 !cheats
20:36:16 !close
20:36:15 /tp
20:35:25 rtv
20:35:22 nominate
15:26:09 shui lulu)))
15:25:19 fgancy partner ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
14:58:13 (Team) ]
14:58:11 rtd
14:14:58 !rtd]aw
14:07:36 вышел от сюда разбийник
13:57:42 иди в войс централа
13:57:17 иди
13:57:14 blb
13:56:22 1
13:56:20 vpvb
13:56:17 /menu
13:56:17 /help
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