Swagville player
Nigga's server info
  • Swagcoins earned from server drops: 5
  • Swagcoins initially given: 0
  • Swagcoins earned from referals: value
  • Swagcoins earned from dividends: value
  • Swagcoins earned from player invites: 0 (0 players)
  • Player status: value
  • Account created: 28 November 2019 ✅
    (?) The older account is, the more trusted it is, hidden or newly created accounts are highly suspected into being cheaters
Nigga's Server stats
  • Property: value
  • Property: value
  • Property: value
  • Property: value
  • Property: value
  • Most known as:
    Also known as:
    Last seen
  • SteamID: 76561199006045264
  • Owner: none
  • Nigga's sessions table
Nigga's kills stats:
since 09.18
by year
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
by this month
Last 200
kill times ▼
death times
first kill time
last kill time
VAK's referals:
  • ID Name
    Earningsshown total earned price
    Unclaimedshown unclaimed value from total earned price - after owenr claims this value, he will get 20% of this value, but will lose this referal
    0shown total amount referals earned
    0shown unclaimed value from all referals - after owenr claims this value, he will get 20% of this value, but will lose ALL his referals
    Dividends Date From Earnings Multiplier
    Amount paidshown unclaimed value from total earned price - after owenr claims this value, he will get 20% of this value, but will lose this referal
    Total: 0
    0Shown totally recieved swagcoins per all dividents
  • What is this? Referals are the users that player brought into the server. YOu can has 20% swagcoins earnings from referals, without doing anything! To get referal you must be at least Guardian Rank yourself and just play with silvers, after every swagcoins drop silvers with playtime below 1 hour get assigned to experienced player online (only if he's the only player online). Help silvers to settle in, become their referer, and earn 20% of their coins income!
    Also once in a while referers will be recieving dividends = totally earned amount from their referals * new referals quantity * multiplier coins. The less totally earned amount there was since last Payment of dividends the more Multiplier for next one will be.