Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 3/12/2020:

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Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
01:29:38 pay more concetrution hoomie
00:44:14 not beatable
00:44:14 off to some casual now :)
00:44:08 well
00:44:06 ahah
00:44:05 xD
00:43:28 m yspeech l8s tis too long 4u anyway
00:42:29 bad server
00:42:10 you can steal here x
00:41:23 scared me for a sec
00:41:22 infinity
00:41:19 ah
00:41:16 ea
00:41:07 blackwonder
00:41:00 it`s an auto message
00:40:48 i didn`t say that!
00:40:47 panda
00:40:39 wut? xD
00:40:39 wot????
00:40:26 i only play panda servers after i started my admin job :)
00:40:13 /kd
00:40:04 ima horehook yo anhoos dawg
00:39:22 ^^
00:39:18 hax
00:39:12 tier 3 lvl 130
00:39:05 I play a lot of casual
00:38:59 ahah
00:38:50 i dont even remember how to be good in casual
00:38:12 to see new maps :)
00:38:05 ay some casu
00:38:00 i`ll pl
00:37:49 it sucks that we cant play any good servers before they get updated as well
00:36:36 practicing directs xD
00:36:24 having fun? xd
00:35:19 laggy too
00:35:16 yep weird
00:34:41 brb
00:34:39 this server is weird
00:34:26 xD
00:33:39 sadly its not for pyro
00:33:27 :D
00:33:19 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:33:10 keep it, there is my name on it
00:33:05 Nah
00:32:53 do you want your fish?
00:32:23 to deal crits
00:32:21 ah can i se it
00:32:17 in *
00:32:15 you can use it it water
00:32:08 pyro weap
00:31:59 whats that`
00:31:52 this ^
00:31:46 what about you
00:31:42 ah i got a fish that i already had
00:31:18 yea
00:31:16 xD
00:31:09 close xD
00:31:07 wowo
00:30:54 it worked
00:30:51 (Team) nice
00:30:34 imma try mine
00:29:55 I don`t think so
00:29:52 na das aint me
00:29:49 does bots count?
00:29:44 Bot?
00:29:34 xD
00:29:32 ima 2fresh fo u
23:54:50 gged bitch
23:52:45 fight ma nigga
23:34:44 ill novoet ur anhs
20:51:11 u lucyka)))
20:00:39 !duel
20:00:37 !DUEL
19:05:55 i nee dbackup
18:25:54 стоп вот в чем мой скрипт
18:25:49 дай набить 300 птс
18:25:37 /admin
18:25:37 b
18:25:36 бб
18:25:11 last и я пойду
18:24:03 /pts
18:23:19 /pts
18:22:49 aye
18:22:42 растёшь прям как дрожях
18:22:15 ok
18:22:13 M2
18:22:08 a kak reflectit`?
18:19:00 yup
18:18:57 stonks
18:16:18 /pts
18:15:34 /pts
18:14:51 /logpts
18:14:46 /pts
18:14:09 /pts
18:13:18 /pts
18:12:39 /pts
18:10:38 /pts
18:08:50 а так всё можно
18:08:47 ты себя испачкаешь
18:08:35 а можно лежа?
18:08:04 я стоя
18:08:03 некоторые сидя
18:07:57 da
18:07:55 какать?
18:07:49 a kak
18:07:31 щас бы вспомнить как играть без орбиток
18:06:53 /pts
18:04:27 нихуяпасиба
18:04:20 яебалдеданутыконечножёсткий
18:03:42 потрахаться?
18:03:42 vpvb
18:03:37 a
18:03:36 Нетф
18:03:35 типо hate
18:03:32 ДА У МЕНЯ
18:03:31 qq
18:03:30 злой?
18:03:28 Да как?
18:03:21 /tp
18:03:20 салам злой guy
18:02:40 na nah bitch
18:02:11 aw sh8eie ma niga
18:01:35 ( ͡° ͜ʖ
18:00:51 break urself
18:00:33 !cheats
17:59:50 /tp
17:53:23 /tp
13:01:10 prik 2ston k4ya ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
12:13:04 bitch unee dhelp, alot of it
12:10:01 SHEIEIEIEIEIE fukin orpsukka
12:09:03 nooup
12:06:54 ima horehoook uyo nhoo sbutt
09:53:06 !logpts
05:06:06 k now u r dead
05:05:04 fgt
05:03:59 liek shee bitch nigger shieeeee
05:02:02 /logpts
04:58:42 rank
04:58:38 /tp
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