Current Players - TF2 Rankings
By 18/05/2022:

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Time Name
Messageshowing '.$perpage.' out of last '.mysql_num_rows($query).' messages
22:57:21 why we are inmortal
22:56:51 (Team) !nah
22:56:47 (Team) nah
19:36:05 axaxa cyku blet nahuuuyi nasty wow shii
18:21:19 dats a frail nigu
18:01:09 noo shit nogga
17:59:44 waht does rthis doubletap even do
17:58:46 :D
17:58:03 somehow
17:58:02 ayo i did it
17:57:59 yes
17:57:22 how
17:54:58 votepvb
17:54:07 /tp
17:54:03 SHEIEI no
17:52:21 Enjooe hsd eVAC Ban, cheuter. =w=
17:52:20 /botlvl1
17:52:15 /tp
15:32:52 vitt ueaa
12:51:43 !pts
12:47:02 !pts
12:42:10 hah ah ah
12:41:49 !shop
12:41:48 блять
12:41:38 !pts
12:40:51 !pts
12:40:00 !pts
12:39:06 Что ты несешь?
12:38:54 kek
12:38:34 /botlvl5
12:38:33 !botlevel
12:38:31 !menu
12:38:29 !men
12:38:26 vpvb
12:38:25 !menu
12:38:11 гандруас
12:38:06 ты нахуй своих пытаешься убить
12:37:36 /botlvl5
12:37:35 !botlevel
12:37:34 !menu
12:13:56 !forcertd pu akod 9999
12:13:52 !forcertd gxr akod 9999
12:13:42 !cheats
12:13:38 !cheats
12:13:35 !
12:11:17 Не рукожопь
12:11:10 !duel
12:09:55 waznt read yfor disz bitch?
12:07:20 nooup
11:55:58 meh
11:48:44 учись как надо убивать
11:48:37 мля
11:48:27 !forcertd pu akod 9999
11:48:26 парня на разборки позовешь?
11:48:24 !forcertd gxr akod 9999
11:48:21 гидра
11:48:14 !cheats
11:44:28 yiz
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